Catalogue of the library

Catalogue of the library


The library catalogue is inserted in the general catalogue of the Red de Bibliotecas Públicas de Andalucía (RBPA) and can be consulted from any computer with internet connection.


The catalog allows us to search for any existing documents in the library.

In addition to:

Renew documents on loan.
Reserve documents lent to other users.
Suggestions and comments about the functioning of the library.
Suggestions for purchasing bibliographic and audiovisual materials.
All these functions are illustrated and developed in the instruction manual.


My library

Through the "My library" corner in the window of our catalog you can access your personal area, from where you can perform the above functions. They are explained in this tutorial.


You can also access our catalog via MOPAC, a mobile phone apps.

Do you have a mobile phone? Do you take it everywhere? You no longer need a license to make loans

Those who approach our library can now use their mobile phone to identify themselves as users and make use of the services, just by connecting to the version of the OPAC for mobile (MOPAC)1 of the catalogue of the Red de Bibliotecas Públicas de Andalucía.

To access the application you can type in the search engine "MOPAC Andalucia" or directly click on this link.


Enter your card number or email in the Carnet/email field.
Enter your password in the field.

Once identified (if you do not know your password, ask for it in any of our libraries), in the Menu option "My library" you will see the barcode of your card, which is what you need to make the loans.

You can also access to view your loans, manage your reservations and many other features, such as:


Conduct of direct searches
Access to search form
Access to the bibliographies
Opinions of the readers
Conduct of label searches


Personal data.
Information about your loans, reserves, desideratas, dsi and links.
Cancellation of reservations.
Creation and elimination of desideratas.
Creation and removal of DSI.
Link creation and removal.