Interlibrary Loan

This service allows users to access documents that do not belong to our collection but are available in other libraries. It is limited to books and reproductions of parts of written documents, such as journal articles.

The library acts in a dual capacity, as an applicant and as a borrower:

As an applicant

If you want our library to ask another institution for a book or magazine article that we do not have in our collection, you must request this work as an interlibrary loan. To do so, you must fill out a form and deliver it to the Information Office on the second floor of the library or by e-mail.

You should keep in mind that:

- Works received by interlibrary loan may not leave the library and must therefore be consulted there.

- If any expense is incurred for this service (sending and returning works, photocopies, etc.), it will be charged to the applicant.

As a borrower

If your library would like to request a document from our collection, please send an email to