
The Biblioteca Pública del Estado-Biblioteca Provincial de Málaga is a public entity that guarantees access to information and cultural products to all citizens free of charge and under equal conditions, thus promoting continuous training, social integration, and leisure opportunities. We can list four essential aspects that mark the day-to-day running of our library.

  • Training, information, and leisure by promoting the use of the library¿s cultural records, previously organised, by citizens. These functions/roles should be based on equal access for all persons, regardless of age, race, religion, nationality, language, or social status. Special attention will be paid to minorities and disadvantaged persons.

  • Local character. The library must encourage the use of information relevant to the province of Malaga, as well as work for the community in which it is inserted.

  • Conservation and enrichment of documentary heritage. Likewise, following this function of preservation, the library is the depository of a copy of those works published in the province of Malaga under the law legal deposit.

  • As a provincial bibliographic centre in Malaga, it should serve the cooperation and support of the different libraries in the province, as well as become a central lending library.